The Lessons of Marching Band

The Lessons of Marching Band

The Lessons of Marching Band The Lessons of Marching Band:- Marching Band Member Skills Group: Becoming a Marching Band member requires more than bas

The Lessons of Marching Band

The Lessons of Marching Band:- Marching Band Member Skills Group: Becoming a Marching Band member requires more than basic knowledge of your instrument. Although the average marching band member has three years of prior experience on their instrument, when they become a marching band member, there are many skill sets that they have not yet learned.

Key skill groups include:

High level of coordination:

Unlike seating and playing equipment, marching bands require members to march and play together. This approach requires a mindset of upper and lower body responsibilities. The responsibility of the upper body is the same as sitting and playing; The responsibility of the upper body is to play the instrument of the person with proper technique. The new lower body poses are moving forward with the right technique. Members should take on each responsibility separately but pay equal attention to each responsibility.

Advanced Memory Level:

While in the concert setting, members put their music on the stand and read their music. In the marching setting, members do not have their music in front of them. Through months of study and refinement, members remember not only their music but also their marching set. In the show, the set determines where each artist moves in a given period of time (called points). An example of a set is “Set # 1: 4.5 left 40, 20 back hash, move 8, measure 1-2.” Each set describes the coordinates of each person, whether to move or hold, how long to walk or hold, and the steps related to playing at that time. A show can be anywhere between 20-and 70 sets. Therefore, an advanced level of memory is required to remember all the music and sets.

Effective time management skills:

Because the band is an extra-curricular activity. It is not so high on the priority list as compared to core classes. However, it can be argued that bands need more time than other classes. Therefore, time management is important to balance the time between classes. Without time management, the performance of the main class will be damaged and may result in dismissal from extracurricular activities.

Strong Work Policy:

A strong work policy is required to become a member of the marching band. New music and marching sets are constantly released, changes are made frequently and expectations are rarely met. Always expecting to know the content and always attending rehearsals are key drivers for a strong work ethic. Having a strong work policy also has a direct effect on a person’s ability to manage time well.

How a marching band member’s skill set can translate into other disciplines:

The skill sets developed in the marching band environment apply directly to most other branches of life. Unfortunately, some members do not recognize this fact and may continue to view the marching band as mere entertainment. Here are some examples of how these skill sets can be applied:

  • Coordination is a skill that is required in almost every job. Different types of coordination, eye-hand coordination, bilateral coordination, etc. facilitate the achievement of various tasks. By developing coordination skills in a marching band environment, the individual is developing a skill that will be used in almost every task.
  • Advanced memory is a great skill in any situation. This can be applied not only in the educational environment but also at work and in the personal life of the person.
  • Time management skills are important for the environment of academic, professional, and personal life. Lack of good time management skills can result in late class, missed flight, or cancellation.
  • Achieving your goals in life requires a strong work ethic. It is difficult to move forward in life without this set of skills. It is often said that your work ethic is a strong foundation for this. that who you are as a person. A strong work ethic is needed to thrive in pedagogy. And from this career success is expected.